CSME 2025/2
Volume 46 No.1
Comparison of Metrology-Grade Squareness Error Measurement Methods
Jr-Rung Chen a, Sheng-Hsiang Hung b and Ming-Xian Lin c
aAssociate Professor, Department of Intelligent Automation Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan. bEngineer, Precision Mechanical Metrology Research Laboratory, Center for Measurement Standards, Industrial Technology Research Institute, 321, Sec. 2, Kuang Fu Rd., Hsinchu 30011, Taiwan cAssociate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan.
This study compares two metrology-grade methods for measuring squareness errors in three-axis machine tools: the Swing Round Method (SRM) and the Reversal Method (RM). The experiment utilized a holeplate with standard size transfer functionality as a geometric error analysis reference, comparing the measurement results of these two methods. The experimental results show that the measurement differences between the two methods remain consistently within 1 arcsecond, meeting the precision requirements of machine tools with an accuracy of 20 µm. Additionally, the study examined the consistency of external calibration and self-calibration RM measurements for the squareness of the holeplate, confirming that the holeplate used in the experiment is sufficiently stable and suitable as a reference object. The study further found that while external calibration and SRM can provide high-precision measurements, they involve higher costs or more complex procedures. In contrast, the RM method offers greater flexibility, although it may introduce larger measurement errors. Future research could explore the application potential of these methods in ultra-precision machining and develop hybrid measurement techniques to reduce measurement uncertainties and further enhance measurement accuracy efficiently.
Keywords: Self-calibration, Squareness error, Reversal method, Holeplate.
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CSME , ISSN 0257-9731