CSME 2025/2
Volume 46 No.1
Analysis of the Magnet-Rotating-Type Axial Magnetic Coupler Speed Regulation Performance
Ao Wang a, Yafei Guo b, Jian Wang b and Yutang Qi b
aSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013, China. bSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013, China.
To solve the current problem of a single magnetic coupler speed regulation method, a permanent magnet (PM) rotatable magnetic coupler structure is proposed, named magnet-rotating-type axial magnetic coupler (MAMC). The MAMC can be speed regulated in three ways: through air gap regulation, rotary regulation, and composite regulation. Then, a test platform of MAMC was built to carry out experimental research on speed regulation model of constant torque load, quadratic rate load and constant power load. The results show that the composite speed regulation method has a wider speed range compared to the air gap speed regulation method under the quadratic rate load speed regulation model. Under the constant torque load and constant power load speed regulation model, the composite speed regulation method not only has a wider speed range but also has a larger transfer torque compared to the air gap speed regulation method.
Keywords: permanent magnet (PM), magnet-rotating-type axial magnetic coupler (MAMC), speed regulation model, transfer torque.
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CSME , ISSN 0257-9731