CSME 2024/12
Volume 45 No.6
A Study on the Carbon Emission Characteristics of Surface Treatment, Lightweight Metal Processing, and Mold Manufacturing Industries in Taiwan’s Metal and Electrical Machinery Sectors
Chia-Chien Cheng a, Huann-Ming Chou b and Chih-Wei Chiang b
aPh.D. Candidate, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Kun Shan University, Tainan, Taiwan,71070, ROC. bProfessor, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Kun Shan University, Tainan, Taiwan,71070, ROC.
This study examined the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission characteristics of surface treatment, lightweight metal processing, and mold manufacturing industries in Taiwan's metal and electrical machinery manufacturing sectors. Carbon inventory analysis of 22 enterprises revealed that Scope 2 (indirect) emissions accounted for an average of 67.99% of total emissions, while CO2, CH4, and HFCs were the main Scope 1 (direct) emissions. Fugitive emissions dominated the lightweight metal processing industry, fixed emissions prevailed in surface treatment, and mold manufacturing had a balanced profile. Notably, per capita carbon emissions in the mold manufacturing industry were 11.07 tonnes CO2e/person, 4 times higher than in the other two industries, suggesting that Scope 1 and 2 emissions can serve as distinct indicators of the level of process automation or smart production implemented within these industries.
Keywords: mold manufacturing industry, lightweight metal processing industry, surface treatment industry, GHGs emissions, smart production,
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CSME , ISSN 0257-9731